Asked Questions

  • Where are you based?

    Whelford Industrial Estate, Whelford Lane, Fairford GL7 4DT

  • How does self-storage work?

    You rent a storage container from us for your business or personal items. You can store those items for as little as four weeks and for as long as you need. Our storage containers can be reserved in advance to make sure the space required is available exactly when you need it. Our self-storage is flexible, secure and hassle free. We want to make sure you get the best service and value for money.

  • What kind of security is in place?

    The safety and security of the items you leave with us is our top priority. In order to protect them we have 24/7 CCTV surveillance and a keypad-controlled security gate. Access to our storage facility is strictly controlled.

  • How much does it cost?

    The price you pay is determined by the size of the space you need.

    • 160 Square Foot = £40 + VAT per week
  • What is the minimum rental period?

    You can store for as long as you want, there is no minimum or maximum rental period.

  • How quickly can I move in?

    Providing you have supplied us with the correct documentation and the storage is available, you can move in on the same day as you make your enquiry.

  • What items are you prohibited from storing?

    Storer must not store (or allow any other person to store) any of the following in the Unit:

    • (a) food or perishable goods unless securely packed so they are protected from and do not attract vermin;
    • (b) any living creatures;
    • (c) combustible or flammable substances such as gas, paint, petrol, oil, cleaning solvents or compressed gases;
    • (d) firearms, explosives, weapons or ammunition;
    • (e) chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents; toxic waste, asbestos or other potentially hazardous substances;
    • (f) any item that emits fumes, or odours;
    • (g) any illegal item or substances or goods illegally obtained such as illicit (counterfeit/smuggled) tobacco or alcohol and unlicensed or unsafe goods (such as toys, electrical goods, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics, fireworks);
    • (h) goods which are environmentally harmful or that are a risk to the property of any person;
    • (i) items which are irreplaceable, which may include, currency, jewellery, furs, deeds, paintings, curios, works of art and items of personal sentimental value.
  • What information do I need to provide to take a container?

    We require just one form of photo ID (passport or driving license) and we also need proof of address (utility bill or bank statement). Payment of the first invoice must be made before you can move your items into the storage container.

  • How do I pay? 

    Your payments will be made every 4 weeks. We take a credit / debit card and save it on our encrypted system. The system will automatically email through an invoice, take the payment when due and email through a receipt.

  • What is included in the price?

    The price you are quoted is for 4 weeks rental cost of the storage container or vehicle storage space and includes a heavy duty padlock (if applicable), a key and an electric gate fob

  • Do I need insurance?

    Yes, you do need insurance. We can provide this for you and the payment will be taken alongside your storage fee.

    If you have your own insurance, please provide us with a copy stating our address as the place where the goods are situated – Whelford Industrial Estate, Whelford Lane, Fairford GL7 4DT. We will need either before you are able to move in to a container.

    It is essential to ensure that our customers goods are not underinsured as in the event of a partial loss where the customer has undervalued their goods, they will only receive a percentage of the value of their goods.

    Please email us at for a copy of our insurance matrix.

  • What if I don’t need the container anymore? 

    You can give your notice at any time,  please either log into your BoxSafe account to cancel your subscription or email:

    BoxSafe Fairford, Whelford Industrial Estate –

  • What if I want to increase / decrease my insurance? 

    You can contact us at

  • Can I add another container to my current account? 

    Absolutely. You can add more containers to your rental agreement with us at any time. But, please be aware that there may be a pro-rata payment due to align all payments together but you will receive invoices and receipts to show this.